Sail Scotland Advertisement

With Sail Scotland Adverts, advertisers are able to reach a global audience and drive meaningful results.

Use our website to promote to your target audience.

Get started with a Sail Scotland Advertisement!

Adverts will appear on the home page for up to 2 months at a time, you can select the date to start your advert at the time of purchase. Only 4 adverts will be available on rotation on the home page at any one time.

After purchase you will be directed to submit your artwork. So when it’s ready you can submit your artwork ahead of the date you have selected.

The correct size for a banner advert is – 921px x 250px and can be in any of the following formats – jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Premium Banner Advert

  • High visibility banner Advert Size: 921px x 250px
  • Advert will be displayed for 2 months
  • Advert will be on the home page

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

If you don’t see an appropriate advertisement for your business please get in touch by emailing us via the contact form below.

We weclome enquiries from sailing related consumer brands wishing to be associated with sailing consumers and markets in Scotland

Get In Touch